Hello Everyone!

Question: What can relate to Chemistry in this world?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's Lesson: Mystery Chemical

Today we started a lab. We placed on our safety goggles and got our equipment together and set up. The objective of this lab is by figuring out the density, solubility, freezing point, melting point, and boiling point you are then able to figure out the mystery chemical that is given to you. Today my lab group (Nikki, Taylor, and Nate) got to the point where we heated the chemical to find it's boiling point. By doing this, you have to get a beaker at least half way full of water, place it on the hot plate (which reaches, I found out today, 800 degrees) and then using a test tube ring you lower the test tube until it reaches into the beaker of water. We made calculations with our thermometer stayed in our test tube of the mystery solution throughout the whole heating process. As the temperature increased, our special thermometer recorded the data. It has a graph and data table that is organized on it. Tommorrow we are going to work hard to finish our data to find out our mystery chemical.

What I learned today is that recording simple information like boiling point, melting point, freezing point, density and solubility of a substance you are able to figure out what the chemical may be. I guess you can find out a lot of things about chemicals just by figuring physical properties.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today's Lesson: Chapter 3

Elements make up everything in the world......


Elements are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons as you may know.
          Protons have a positive charge and are found in the nucleus. The atomic number tells how many protons and the number of protons determins the element.
          Neutrons have no charge and are also found in the nucleus.
          Protons and neutrons together equals the mass of an atom and can have different number of neutrons in the same atom.
         Electrons have a negative charge and are the same number as protons for a neutral atom.
 Kossel shell structure of Ta

The thing I found most interesting in this chapter.... Isotopes. They have different number of neutrons in the same element.
Ions are chared atoms that gain or loose electrons.

Today's Lesson: Chapter 2

Remember when I spoke of Chemical and Physical Properties? Well we learned an addition to these properties... Physical and Chemical Changes.
Physical Changes- does not change the substance (you can get it back)
Chemical Changes- changes the substances. You end up with something completely different (You can't get it back)
-  if a new color is represented from the substance
- if a new smell is apparent
- heat lost/ absorbed
- if it gives of some sort of light
- precipitat formed
- gases evovle or given off

I have learned of mixtures and how you only can recieve distallation, manual seperation, filration, decanting,or magnetic seperation from this.
Distallation- seperation of liquids by boiling one off
Manual Seperation- when you pick out the substance with tweezers or tongs
Filtration- seperating a liquid from a powder or fine solid (an example of this is how you filter water through coffee)
Decanting- Pouring off a liquid (example: mix gravel and water together, then you can pour the water from the gravel)
Magnetic Seperation- using a magnet to seperate diamagnetic substance.

A pure substance has to be seperated through a chemical process (example: seperation of atoms). The only was to do this is through electrolysis.
Electrolysis means you use electricity to break apart a substance (example: water)

In this chapter, we have learned of elements, compounds, homogeneous mixture, and heterogeneous mixture.
Elements can be seperated physically or chemically
Compound is two or more elemnts that are bound together and can't be seperated through physical process.

   (These elements are combined in whole ratios)  
Homogeneous Mixtures and Heterogeneous Mixtures have similarities but differences as well.
They are different from Homogeneous Mixtures being the same throughout and presenting:
a Solution- liquid homogeneous mixture
a Alloy- homogeneous mixture of metals
Heterogeneous Mixtures are different throughout.

This chapter has refreshed my memory of elements, mixtures, and solutions. But also has shown me advancements of each one.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Today's Lesson: Properties

We learned about chemical and physical properties today.

Chemical Property is the characteristic that describes the ability of a substance to change to a different substance.

Some examples of this property are:
rusting (aka: oxidizing), heat, flammability, and digesting of food.
         (fire)                   (rusting)

Physical Property is a characteristic of a substance that can change without the substances becoming a different substance.

Some examples of this are:
smell, color, odor, volume, state (gas, liquid, or solid), boiling point, and melting point
           (color)                          (gas)

[ Taste is also considered a physical property but isn't used in chemistry. You don't want to place chemicals into your body what so ever, they could be very dangerous]