Hello Everyone!

Question: What can relate to Chemistry in this world?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Thoughts....

Chemistry has been a challenging class so far. I thought that it would be a risk for me since I'm not one for getting equations fast. I understand, but I like to make things so precise so I do understand. I took Anatomy last year and thought fantastic of it. So I decided to take the next step and do Chemistry. I learned the basics of Chemistry in middle school. I found it very interesting.
This is a new year with new advancements in knowledge. Mr. Stitt ( My Chemistry teacher) was speaking the other day of different ways of measurements. Also how, even today, scientist make mistakes with measurements and it ends very badly. He also spoke of overdose to people because of doctor's lack of measurements; many of which killed people. These truths have made me want to make sure my measurements are precise down to the last hundreth. 
Well I think Chemistry is certainly going to be an adventure! Thank goodness Mr. Stitt is there to help.